Kadang-kadang karena alasan tertentu kita membutuhkan untuk bergonta-ganti tembolok. Nah, firefox menyediakan add-ons untuk keperluan ini.
Quickpr*xy creates a statusbar button to quickly turn the pr*xy on and off. There are no major features that will be added to this. It is designed to do only what it needs to to switch between a pr*xy and a normal connection. -- I apologise for the delay of new versions becoming available. I've submitted 3 separate updates for Quickpr*xy since the last public release (03.11), for separate version compatibilities, but these haven't been approved and are still pending review.
Lebih lanjut, lacak di Tools-Add-ons, Klik Get extensions.
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Quickpr*xy creates a statusbar button to quickly turn the pr*xy on and off. There are no major features that will be added to this. It is designed to do only what it needs to to switch between a pr*xy and a normal connection. -- I apologise for the delay of new versions becoming available. I've submitted 3 separate updates for Quickpr*xy since the last public release (03.11), for separate version compatibilities, but these haven't been approved and are still pending review.
Lebih lanjut, lacak di Tools-Add-ons, Klik Get extensions.
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