Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008

Screen Magnifier (Membesarkan Bagian Tertentu di layar)

Suatu saat ketika anda melakukan presentasi, mungkin anda ingin untuk membesarkan tampilan layar anda, terutama di bagian yang membutuhkan penekanan kepada audiens. Nah, software berikut ini bisa anda pakai untuk kepentingan ini. Berikut ini ulasan lengkap sebuah forum.

Like most of the population, you may be blessed with good vision that
allows you to use your computer without visual assistance. But
occasionally, you run across something that is too small to read.
Perhaps you have already tried the magnifier program built-in to
Windows to try to zoom in.
We know we have used it but we were
disappointed to find that it trampled all over the icons we had
arranged on our desktop. The built-in magnifier moves every icon to the
bottom part of the screen and then leaves the icons at the bottom when
it exits. 1ClickZoom cures that problem. It remembers the icon layout
before entering magnification and then restores the desktop to same
setting on exit from magnification. With one click, you can zoom in
without having all of your icons messed up upon exit.

invokes the standard Windows screen magnifier program so that operation
during magnification is compatible with the wide variety of programs
1ClickZoom magnifies your computer screen with all the functionality of
the built-in Windows screen magnifier program magnify.exe. 1ClickZoom
provides convenient access to magnify.exe and remembers the starting
layout of your desktop icons.

Bila anda tertarik, silakan Download disini...

Lebih lanjut, tentang program-program semacam ini bisa anda klik ini...

2 komentar:

Toha Mustofa mengatakan...

Good job mate! :) Ane udah nyoba.. sedap rasanya :p Level magnificationnya sampe 9.. matur nuwun yo.. kata Basuki Srimulat: "di zoom jadi gede" heheheeee ^_^ keep posting bro..

Anonim mengatakan...

suwun jezz

Shalat Yukk!!!